


Hola, holaaa!
El staff del Fest está muy emocionado porque el 5 de mayo los escritores deben empezar a enviar sus o.s y es por eso que aquí les traemos una pequeña guía de cómo deben hacerlo correctamente y no cometan errores <3
Presten mucha atención, porque esta información va para toda esa gente que es autor de algún prompt. Si tienen alguna duda, necesitan tiempo o tienen problemas con el correo y cosas asi manden DM en instagram o por aqui.

¿Cómo debo enviar el prompt?1. Nombre/user2. Prompt y número3. O.SEjemplo:
Lu /louelsolecito
Prompt #x "Donde louis bla bla bla..."
Harry era un alfa y...
*enviar cada prompt por separado

Enviar el os al correo del fest [email protected]


Dear Loummy Fic Fest writers,As we know that many of you who are participating for the first time may not know much about how to upload your work to our platforms, here we bring you some steps to follow so you can do it. Here you will find how to post your fics to AO3, Tumblr and Twitter.Please Read Carefully:★On May 26, 2023 the fics should be submitted to the Loummy Fic Fest 2023 collection by 11 AM ET. If you have your work ready, you can do it now.★You will be assigned a posting date and time by email on May 26, 2023.★Please include your prompt somewhere on AO3 - either in your summary, your beginning notes, or your end notes if you’d like to avoid spoiling the fic.●On Tumblr and Twitter, we recommend scheduling your photoset with the fic information and link so it will go up exactly at your assigned date and time.●Please tag us in your fic posts on Tumblr and Twitter (@loummyficfest)●Your fic must remain public on AO3 until the fest is complete.●The photoset/visual and link to your fic will be posted to both Tumblr and Twitter, either by you or by our staff. We will determine who is posting what through email.

Information About the Posting Schedule:First of all, we want to thank to the BLFF for giving us the permission to use their info about posting on ao3, we really appreciate it <3On May 26, after your fic has been submitted to the collection, you will receive an email from the LFF assigning you a posting date and time (If you have any issue with your posting date or time, you can let us know and we can work with you to figure out a solution or move the date).We will create a schedule for both readers and writers where you can see which days and how many fics are going to be posted per week.Instructions on Posting to AO3, Tumblr, & Twitter:If you’re new to posting any of these places, please read on.Posting to AO3:Step 1: Sign into AO3.Step 2: Click or hover over “Post” in the upper right corner of your screen.Step 3: Click “New Work.”Step 4: Fill out all the basic information for your fic.◇Rating: Choose a rating for your fic. If your fics for the Loummy fic fest will have smut, we’d suggest that your fic be rated either Mature or Explicit. Mature is more appropriate for fics with less graphic smut, whereas Explicit is more appropriate for fics with more graphic smut.◇Archive Warnings: If you have any serious warnings that need to be issued for your fic (such as graphic violence, major character death, or rape), please select them here. If none of those more extreme warnings apply to your fic, we’d recommend selecting No Archive Warnings Apply.◇Fandoms: Please type and then select One Direction (Band). If your fic involves a crossover with another fandom, you can also add those here.◇Categories: Though not required, we’d recommend selecting M/M (for a male/male pairing) and any other pairings that apply to your fic.◇Relationships: Though not required, this is where you should enter the relationships that are featured in your fic. For example, you can put Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson or Zayn Malik/Louis Tomlinson. You may enter as many pairings as you have in your fic.◇Characters: Though not required, if you would like, this is where you can enter the names of all or most of the characters that are featured in your fic.Additional Tags: Though not required, we’d highly recommend using tags to your advantage, as many people search through AO3 tags to find new fics to read and therefore may be more likely to stumble on your fic. You can enter tags related to tropes that are featured in your fic (e.g. Enemies to Lovers, Fake Relationship), descriptions of the type of sexual content that may be involved (e.g. Rimming, Bottom Louis), any additional warnings, and any other details that you think might draw people to your fic. If you need more tag ideas, feel free to ask the LFF mods off anon or scroll through other fics on AO3 for inspiration.Step 5: Fill out the Preface information for your fic.●Work Title: This is where you will put the title of your fic.●Summary: This is where you will put the summary of your fic.●Notes: Although this is optional, you may want to add notes at the beginning and/or end of your fic. Notes at the beginning might further explain any tags or warnings, provide any context that will help people understand your fic, or tell people what prompt your fic is based on. Notes at the end of the fic might request kudos and comments, link to your Tumblr and/or Twitter accounts, link to your photosets so people can reblog or RT, inform people what prompt you wrote your fic based on, or thank people for reading. We highly recommend linking to your fic’s photosets in the end notes.Step 6: Fill out the Associations information for your fic.♧Post to Collections/Challenges: This is how you will add your fic to the collection. Our collection is Loummy Fic Fest. If you need further assistance adding your fic to the collection, please contact us.([email protected])♧This work has multiple chapters: If your fic has multiple chapters, select this box.♧Set a different publication date: Although you can ignore this when you first submit your fic to the collection, on your assigned posting date (you cannot do it ahead of the date), you will want to check this box and change your publication date to that posting date. More information on this in Step 11♧Choose a Language: Be sure that English is selected.Step 7: Fill out the Privacy information for your fic.□Only show your work to registered users: For this fest, please make sure your fic is public at least until all the fics are posted so that more people can read your fic.□Disable anonymous commenting: If you only want users with accounts to comment on this fic, select this box. Please note that this may decrease the number of comments you receive on your fic.□Enable comment moderation: If you would like to approve comments before they are posted on your fic, select this box.Step 8: Enter your work text. If your fic will have multiple chapters, this is where you will enter the text from chapter one. We recommend copying and pasting your fic text into Rich Text (make sure Rich Text is selected at the upper right corner above the box). If you need a guide to HTML on AO3, check here. If you’ve found that copying and pasting your fic text into AO3 created extra spaces, there’s help on fixing that here.Step 9: Post your fic (or preview it first, if that makes you more comfortable, and then post). Your fic is now officially part of the collection and will be revealed on your posting date. You will be able to edit your fic as necessary before it is made revealed, so don’t fret if you find typos or anything that you would like to add before your posting date.Step 10: On May 26, 2023, you will be notified of your posting date and time by email. If you have an issue with that posting date and time for any reason, please let us know.Step 11: On your posting date, please change the posting date of your fic from the day you submitted it to your assigned posting date. This will ensure that your fic is moved to the most recently posted fics on AO3, which will help more people see it. For more information on changing your posting date, click here.Step 12: On your assigned posting day and time, the LFF mods will reveal your fic. You will then be permitted to post your photoset/visual to Tumblr and Twitter, or the LFF will post it for you. There is more information on that process below.

Posting Your Photoset/Visual to Tumblr on Your Assigned Posting Date:Note: If you don’t use Tumblr, the LFF will do this for you. We will confirm whether you or the LFF will be posting your fic to Tumblr when we email you your assigned posting date for the fest on May 26, 2023.Step 1: Start a photo post on Tumblr. We’d highly recommend doing this on desktop instead of on mobile because often posting photos from mobile can mess with the formatting.Step 2: Add your photoset/visual to the post, either as one large image (if it’s in that form) or as separate photos and arrange them to your liking.Step 3: In the text body of the post, include any relevant details about your fic.Our suggestion would be to include:Title:
Word Count:
A link to your fic (we suggest making the title of the fic into a link)
A mention that you wrote this fic for the @loummyficfest (please tag us!)
You can also include any relevant warnings (which should also be tagged or mentioned on AO3) or the number of chapters if it’s a chaptered fic (e.g. Chapters: 8/8) if you want to.
_Step 4:& In the tags of the post, be sure to tag any relevant blogs that might reblog it (e.g. @bottomlouisficfest, @blouisparadise, etc.) so that it’s easier to find. Please be sure to tag any blogs within the first five tags of your post so they will be able to see it in their tag. The LFF blog will be reblogging all of the fics at least twice.Step 5: At your assigned time and posting date, you may post your photoset/visual post to Tumblr. We highly recommend scheduling your post to go up so it goes up automatically. To schedule a post on Tumblr, find the button where you would click Post, click the arrow next to it, and select Schedule. Be sure to keep time zones in mind to ensure that you’re scheduling the post to go up at the correct time in ET (Eastern Time).Once you’ve posted your photoset or moodboard to Tumblr on your posting day, the LFF blog will reblog it and help spread the word.Posting Your Photoset/Visual to Twitter on Your Assigned Posting Date:Note: If you don’t use Twitter, the LFF will do this for you. We will confirm whether you or the BLFF will be posting your fic to Twitter when we email you about your posting date for the fest on May 26, 2023.Step 1: Create a tweet to promote your fic. We’d recommend including:Your photoset/visual
A link to your fic on AO3
A mention that your wrote the fic is for @loummyficfest (please tag us!)
Step 2: Post this tweet at your assigned time on your assigned posting date. If you are not available to post it at that exact time, you can schedule it using Twitter on a computer. To schedule a tweet, go to write a tweet as normal and find the small calendar and clock icon (this icon is furthest to the right) below the tweet box. This will allow you to select a date and time for your tweet to be posted. Be sure to keep time zones in mind to ensure that you’re scheduling the post to go up at the correct time in ET (Eastern Time).
The LFF Twitter account will RT it once it is up.And there you have it! Your fic will officially be posted and a part of the LFF. We’re so proud of you and excited to read your fic!All the credits of this information goes to the BLFF, thank u so much <3

How to send your preview (ao3)

Hello, hello, authors!The Fest staff is very excited because on April 30 we will start receiving your drafts/previews of the prompts you are writing, don't forget that it is not mandatory to have it complete, we just want to know how your progress is going and if, for some reason you need more time to finish your fic you can also let us know, so, here we have the information to receive your drafts:How should I send my draft?1.You should send it by e-mail ([email protected]).2.Prepare the small draft of your writing in a word document (it must be something short, we don't ask for the complete fic), also don't forget to put the following things:UserPrompt and numberDraftExample:louelsolecitoPrompt #X "Where Louis blah blah blah blah..."Harry was an alpha and...*This should be done for each prompt you have, in separate documents.The final fics due is on May 5 and that day they have to be added to the collectionIf you have any questions, suggestions or need more time to finish your fic, you can add it in the email.And that’s allThank you!!!!